6 p.m. update on Day 2. We love this child more and more each day. He has brought so much joy and we still haven't held him. Thank you to our family and friends for all your prayers. We covet them!
From the Dr's. - They felt Britton did "ok" today but not as good as they had hoped. He got off the ventilator but his oxygen saturation has dipped so he may go back on tonight. His kidneys also need to produce more urine. Lastly he will have a head ultrasound tonight or tomorrow to see if there is bleeding in the brain. We are saddened by the less than stellar report but know that God is a God of miracles. He's already made one by bringing him to our lives!
"They cried out to the Lord in their trouble, and He saved them from their distress. He brought them out of the darkness and deepest gloom and broke away their chains. Let them give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he breaks down gates of bronze and cuts through bars of iron." Psalm 107:13-16
Hello to both of you,
I am a friend of Dave Driskill's and he sent an email asking for prayer for little Britton. Please know that people, even though you've never met them, are praying for you and your precious treasure. Our mighty God is in control. Praise Him. It's a privilege to fight for your baby at the foot of His throne.
We love seeing the family of 3!! Your faithfulness, strength, and courage is a witness during this time. We are encouraged by the report from the doctors, but know that Britton's name has not left our lips during prayers.
- Uncle Ryan & Aunt Danica
We're remembering you in our prayers. Love to you all...
Your son is BEAUTIFUL!!! Please know that I am praying for your family.
Sara Odajima
(Emily's cousin)
Emily and Danny -- baby Britton is in our prayers. What a beautiful boy!
Love, Rob and Jenny Robertson
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