Wednesday, January 9, 2008

End of Day 2

Emily and I are completely exhausted.  By 10 p.m. Emily had completely shut down.  We had a very long conversation with our pediatrician who helped give us some encouragement to the situation.   He is cautiously optimistic about Britton's condition.  We believe his survival rate is very strong but we are just completely unsure about his long-term condition.   There is just not enough information yet.  The head ultrasound in the early morning will show us is there is bleeding in the brain...we are praying for a low number.  It is not an imaging test so it won't show too much, but it will give us indications.  Within two weeks we should know a lot more but the next few days should be up and down emotionally and physically for all of us.

Some of the most comforting news is to hear all the new prayer groups that we hear are praying for us and Britton.  (Churches, Schools, Offices, Friends, people in Romania, Latvia and almost all 50 states!) 

Britton is utilizing hypotherapy which is a fairly new technique.  Here is an article about a cooling cap that utilizes similar technology  but Britton's is a blanket that he lays on.  They are maintaining his body temperature to 91.6.  It is so hard to touch him and feel his cool legs and cheeks.
We also spoke to a friend of ours who is a NICU nurse and she was so encouraged by the progression Britton has made.  She is familiar with all he's going through and says he's fighting like a champion.  Coming off the ventilator and crying on day 1 are unheard of in Britton's condition.  He is already a miracle! Those are sweet words to hear.
Lastly, one special guest was Dr. Robert Smith, my preaching professor from seminary.  He is one of my heroes of the faith.  With his booming yet soothing voice (picture Barry White as a reformed baptist! :) ), he read from Mark 10:13-16 
"And they were bringing children to him that he might touch them, and the disciples rebuked them. But when Jesus saw it, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the children come to me; do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God. Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”  And he took the children in his arms and blessed them, laying his hands on them."  
Everyone in the room wept and we are all so thankful for the blessing God has brought to our life.  We pray he does not remember a day that Christ is not Lord of his life.  


Ann Catherine said...

Danny, Emily & Britton - I am praying for you guys! Emily, we all are constantly asking how you are and checking the site for updates. You are all in our thoughts & prayers.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to let you know that your story has spread all the way to Calera Baptist and we are bathing you all in our prayers. Praying that you may feel God's presence like never before and that He will give you strength and peace. What a beautiful, precious little boy!!!!!!!

Kristin Brennan Kuck said...

I heard from my mom about your son. Please know I am praying hard for him and for the two of you. God is a big God.

Also, is also a great website to keep everyone posted. That's where we have Sarah's story.

Keep hope and faith and know that we are praying for you. Everything does happen for a reason and Britton's story is reaching people that you don't even know it is reaching. Let those things give you strength and comfort. Congratulations on your son! Remember, God is a big God.

"Then Jesus said to him, Don't tell anyone about this. But go and show yourself to the priest and offer the gift Moses commanded for the people who are made well. This will show the people what I have done." - Matthew 8:4

Much Love,

Kristin Brennan Kuck