Monday, January 14, 2008

Can't say thanks enough ...

There are so many of you who are checking our blog and posting comments & emailing & calling, and we can't even keep up with corresponding back. But I want to say THANK YOU to all of you out there who are keeping up with Britton's progress and, most importantly, praying for him! Especially to those of you who I (Emily) haven't heard from in years ... it is so wonderful that you have found your way here to our blog. I have really enjoyed reading your comments and knowing you're out there keeping up with our story. Thank you to those of you who have sent flowers & gifts, brought food to us, or have just come to visit with us for awhile. You are sustaining us with your sweet friendship. A special thanks to the James family for keeping such good care of Piper for us. I don't think he's going to want to come home when all this is over.

We are grateful for all of you, and I can't say thank you enough ...

My good friend Sarah from Jackson came to visit and brought this beautiful painting she did for Britton's room. He is certainly a blessed child. We can't wait to get home and hang it up. Thanks, Sarah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Britton is about the cutest thing I have ever seen! He looks so sweet and round!

Lots of people in Waco are praying for Britton, especially for his tests tomorrow. It is amazing what a few emails can do! :-)

Small it turns out, Emily, one of my college friends, Dedra, knows Danny. Wow! I sent out an email for a prayer request, and she emailed me back saying that she was surprised I knew ya'll. It's really a very small world.

Kiss that sweet baby for me. You all are in my prayers!

Sara Odajima