Monday, August 25, 2008

He Remembers

When my mom visited us in July, she and Britton started the "head butting" thing, which is so the wrong term because it is actually a very sweet thing. Britton starts with a big grin on his face, then looks at you very seriously and lowers his head to your forehead. It is so sweet. He began doing this with Danny about a month ago, and then perfected it with my mom at her last visit. So, this weekend, Britton & I went to Oxford to visit my sister who is starting her Masters of Accountancy year at Ole Miss. We met my mom there, and the minute I put Britton in her arms, he looked at her and with a big smile on his face, leaned in to do the forehead thing. It was so sweet! He did it the whole weekend every time she held him. The boy knows his GrandMarna!!!

Getting some grandma-loving at Bottletree.

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