This is the biggest week of the year at Covenant Presbyterian. We, as a staff, are prepped for it for months prior to the kick-off breakfast, which was Saturday. This year has been really special so far for a couple of reasons. At the breakfast, the guest speaker talked about the orphanage he runs in China and really gave a great perspective of God's grace in trying circumstances. It gave more confidence in our calling to adopt a little girl from China.
Our main speaker is Dr. Derek Thomas who is the teaching pastor at the church Emily grew up in in Jackson, MS. He is an excellent expositor of God's Word and his Welsh accent doesn't hurt either. Last night's message on Thomas from the book of John was very strong. As I reflect back on these past 7 weeks, I can admit that there have been many days of doubt. I've wondered at times ... Do I really believe God could heal or restore my son? Would He? And Why? You process so many things in the heat of suffering. Thankfully, God has revealed Himself so clearly in our lives during this time. Just last night it was shared with us that the medical team in the delivery room had pronounced (or were just about to) Britton dead just before he gasped for air and his heart rate reached 100 bpm. Wow! It still rocks me to the core and humbles us both to this day.
Though my faith is weak, it is not my faith that saves is what my faith is in--Jesus Christ. If it depended upon my wavering faith that is tossed about with every disappointment I would be in a rough place. But, graciously, the Rock of my foundation is Christ. I led a study on Caleb (found in Joshua 14) this past week. In my studies I came across these words penned by Dale Ralph Davis regarding Caleb's faith:
"We try to base our faith on our feelings. If so, we will feel like unbelievers a good deal of the time! Sometimes we place our faith in faith; that is we believe that if we have enough faith we will be able to weather the storm (which means that, somehow, we must pump up the faith). We forget that great faith is not so necessary as genuine faith (Luke 17:5-6). The object of faith, by definition, is God (not faith). 'It is no so much great faith in God that is required as faith in a great God!'"
Danny, Emily and Britton,
Thank you for sharing your life with us. Britton is truly a miracle and he has been a blessing and I know that he will continue to be.
Thank you for sharing all the photos and depths of your hearts. I look forward to going to your blog each day, and seeing all the newest pics of Britton and his room, etc. Our love for you both and Britton has deepened during all these weeks of praying. Hope you are keeping a copy of everything on the blog for an awsome scrapbook legacy. It will mean so much in the years to come. I did one for Izadora; it's a real "keepsake" treasure. Love to you all 3--Sue and Scott
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