Friday, February 8, 2008

02.08.08 -- Due Date

Today is Britton's due date & the day he turns one month old! As we have said so often, during this pregnancy we just never could have imagined this scenario. But, we are so blessed by having this little boy in our lives, and the circumstances that brought him here have just bonded us so much more deeply with him. We look forward to a lifetime of more blessings, challenges, surprises, and joys. His early birth and everything that has happened since is just giving us a taste, I'm sure, of all that we have to look forward to.

Bonding with our boy:

He looks like such a chunk here! Though, I don't think he will even fit into his newborn clothes for a couple of more weeks.


stephen smith said...


I hope that you all have a very un-eventful weekend. Take care.

Mary-Dare said...

He looks so sweet! I can't believe how he is growing!