Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Pretty Day in Charleston

We took some sweet pictures of Britton one day when we were walking around downtown Charleston. It was a beautiful Spring day -- a cool wind was blowing, the trees were green, the flowers in bloom, and the little guy was atop his dad's shoulders...

Lucky us ... Britton has really been into hugging and kissing lately. Here is one of his sweet hugs. He would often lean down and kiss Danny's head or hug him. So precious.

While we were out and about, we headed over to St. Philip's Church, one of the old downtown churches, but it was closed, so we wandered around the historic graveyard on its grounds.

As we were leaving, we happened upon a tiny grave marked "Our Precious Darling."

We both paused for a moment, thinking how close we came to this, and silently thanking God ...

... that we had this little guy in our arms.

It was a reminder that in our fallen world, where tragedy abounds, we are so grateful for our miracle.

Hope you are rejoicing in this beautiful Spring-time of year, and in all the miracles in your life.


Anonymous said...

Love that firm grip in Danny's hair - ouch!! I love these pics - Britton looks so happy!!

Julia said...

The recent pics are wonderful! I hope you had a great birthday, Danny!
