We went on a big road trip over Thanksgiving. And in many ways, I am still recovering! As are my children. But we had a wonderful time seeing family and friends.

Here are my two little turkeys right before we loaded up to head out on our 1,785-mile Thanksgiving trek through Texas. These guys had no idea what was ahead! What was ahead was 30+ hours in the car.

Our first stop was Jackson, Miss., where Britton showed his great-grandmother around an iPhone.

Lia Kate with her GrandMarna (and an iPhone).

Me and my boy the next morning before getting on the road again. We drove to Houston, Texas, to visit some good friends.

While we were there, we got to visit the LifeFlight helicopters on top of Memorial Hermann Hospital. One of Danny's fraternity brother's is the CEO.

Britton LOVED the helicopters!

Then, we went to SeaWorld in San Antonio for the day. The kids loved the shows. It was so worth it to drive there for the day to see their mouths literally fall open when Shamu first jumped out of the water. We heard lots of "whoa"s and "wow"s that day.

Britton watching the dolphins.
That night, we headed to Austin to visit the good friends we made while we were in China last December. They were there adopting their daughter, Avery, the same time we were adopting Lia Kate.

We climbed Mt. Bonnell and snapped a quick pic at the top.

Here is a picture after Avery gave Lia Kate quite a "do." It was so fun to see these girls together again! We could see so many amazing changes in Avery and they probably saw drastic changes in Lia Kate. A lot can change in year when you have a family who loves you. ;o)
After a couple of fun days (& good food) in Austin, we drove on to Dallas to spend Thanksgiving week with Danny's family.

Here are the littles. Thanksgiving was lots of fun with these three toddlers. All three were born within 13 months of each other (early July -- January -- late July).

My sweet boy. He did so well on the big trip!

Britton and Will playing the piano with Uncle Scott.

Lia Kate and Britton munching on snacks before our big Thanksgiving meal.

Lia Kate bonded with Uncle Scott. She even fell asleep in his arms! This is pretty significant for her. I'm pretty sure Danny is the only other man who can claim that.

Taking pictures of these two is not easy, but we tried to get a few.

My two turkeys ... vegging out ... with iPhones. This appears to be a recurring theme. I promise they don't play on them very often.

Britton & Cousin Will

The kid table.

We also got a visit in with my relatives who live in Dallas. Here is my cousin Julia with my two.

At the end of the week, Danny's parents threw a Meet & Greet for their friends to come meet Lia Kate and greet the boys. It was a fun party and we got to see lots of familiar faces. Then, it was back on the road for us...

...but not before these two monkeys posed for just a few more pictures.