Saturday, August 13, 2011

Our Summer Beach Trip

We went to the beach in early May and, yup, I'm just now posting about it! Anyway, we had a wonderful time in Destin with my side of the family. This was the first time that the kids really, really liked being on the beach. They liked it last year, but they *really* liked it this year. They loved burying each other in the sand and running away from the waves. One of my favorite things to do when we're at the beach is to take pictures of the kids. But this time, it was also my downfall. I had 400 pictures to wade through, and I've been putting it off for *months*. So, finally, without further ado, here are some pics from our beach trip.


Unknown said...

Oh my goodness...Those pictures are beautiful! Hugs from all of us!

Julia said...

These pictures are precious!!! Thank you for sharing!

Angie said...

Fastastic pictures of your beautiful children.