Friday, February 11, 2011

Lia Kate's Words

For the last few months I have been keeping a list of the funny pronunciations of some words/sentences that Britton and Lia Kate say. Here are some of Lia Kate's funny ones. She is quite the little talker and pretty much talks from sun up to sun down. Some of these words she says correctly now, or at least, more correctly, but I had to include a few of those!

Diapers -- poppers
Bunny -- buh-ee
Pink -- peent
Socks -- sotts
Aren't I cute? -- art toot
Thank you -- tank too
I do -- me do
Hold me -- odd you ("hold you")
Please -- peas
Crying -- twiny (when Britton cries, she says "Bwitton twiny")
Zip me up -- zippah me
I'm from China -- I Chinee
Come on -- hum on
Lipstick -- liptip
Help me -- helpah me
Piper's asleep -- popper seep
Kitty cat -- tee tat
Mac & cheese -- matt cheese
Coffee -- foffee
Strawberries -- sawbees
Yogurt -- logurt
Vitamin -- bye men
Banana -- banna
Napkin -- lackin (I hear "I need lackin" numerous times a day)
Veggie Tales -- Botchy Tales
Piper is barking at the kitty cat (which is often) -- Popper bawk at tee tat
Valentines Day -- Bow-man-times Day

and my favorite...
Itsy Bitsy Spider -- eetsy piders

First legit sentence ...
Look, Daddy, mommy gave me a sucker!

Britton's words are up next...


Margaret said...

Thanks for the laugh today! What a treasure this list of words will be in the future! Can't wait for Bwitton's list.

Kyle said...
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Kyle said...

Julia & I really like that she says "Bauman-times Day"!

Anonymous said...

Love this! So cute -- hummm diapers & Piper are both poppers. : ). I love "my Chinee granddaughter! Look forward to a B list, too. GiGi