Friday, August 13, 2010

Flashback to 08.08.08

I was thinking as I was heading to Spin class dark & early this morning ... thinking back two years ago when the Olympics in Beijing had just started. Britton turned 7 months old that day -- 08.08.08. And we had friends over that night to eat Chinese food and watch the very impressive Opening Ceremonies. I made fresh dumplings just like my Chinese friend Linling taught me to. And we watched and were awed by the amazing Chinese drummers ...

In my mind then, I thought how awesome it was going to be to have a daughter from China. Because it would have been so cool to share that moment with her. At that point we had been logged-in to China's adoption system for about 7 months and thought we were years and years away from actually getting our child. What we had no idea of knowing was that our daughter had just been born ... she was days old at the time and probably still living with her birth parents. It would be three days after the Opening Ceremonies that police would find her at the Nursing School, and take her to the orphanage where she would be given the name Lian Jia Jing (Jing being short for Beijing, in honor of the Olympics). I can't wait to watch those Opening Ceremonies with Lia Kate one day and tell her the story of her Chinese name and let her know how expected, longed-for and loved she was even before we knew about her.

Okay, seeing my baby boy this small puts into perspective how close he and Lia Kate are in age! This is how little he was when she was born.

1 comment:

Our Journey to China said...

So very sweet and precious! :0)