This Sunday, June 1, will be a very special day in the life of our family as Danny will preach for the first time as an ordained minister, and more importantly, as he will baptize our baby boy. We would love for those of you in Birmingham who have been praying for Britton and loving on us these past several months to join us at the 11 a.m. service for this special occasion.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Britton's Baptism
This Sunday, June 1, will be a very special day in the life of our family as Danny will preach for the first time as an ordained minister, and more importantly, as he will baptize our baby boy. We would love for those of you in Birmingham who have been praying for Britton and loving on us these past several months to join us at the 11 a.m. service for this special occasion.
Monday, May 26, 2008
Fun In The Sun!
Once again, Britton was a dream traveler. He slept the entire car trip, he loved the beach and the pool, was so well behaved in the restaurants, and he still slept through the nights. What more can you ask for?! Though he certainly has his moments, we have really been blessed with a sweet-natured baby.
Beach Pics.
Our first night down there, after dinner at Red Bar, we walked down to Grayton Beach to get Britton’s feet in the sand & water. He loved the sand … not so sure about the water.
Britton’s first time on the white sandy beaches.
Looking like a beached sea turtle!
All decked out in beach gear (and not too happy!).
Ahhh … the life. We brought Britton’s bouncer down to the beach each day and put it right under our umbrella so he could take his naps and be comfortable. He loved watching the waves come in and feeling the cool breeze.
Trying out the surf again:
Trying to figure out Dad's Ipod.
Happy boy!
Pool Pics.
On our way down to the pool.
Britton in his little crab float.
The fam.
We celebrated GrandMarna’s birthday on Sunday!
Just before bedtime after a long day on the beach...
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Where'd We Go?
So sorry for our blog absence this past week. We've been having fun at the beach! We were actually planning to continue posting on all of our fun adventures while away, however, I dropped our card reader (that transfers pictures from our camera to our computer) in the sand on the first day. We haven't gotten a new one yet, but as soon as I do I'll put lots of pictures up. Britton has been so much fun at the beach. He loves being out in the sand and watching the waves. He also enjoyed the pool a lot too. We have had so much fun! A giant blog post is coming Monday or Tuesday.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Britton (at 4 months) and Weaver (at 2 1/2 months) got together again the other night. They were so cute together!
Britton checks out Weaver...
...and gets a little closer.
Sweet boys!
Hard to Believe
I was looking back through Britton's hospital pictures today, and even though the memories of that time are very fresh, I still find it hard to believe that ...
...this is the same baby...
...who was born that scary January morning just 4 months ago.

We thank God every day for the miracles He did in Britton's life ... from bringing him from death to life, and from broken to whole. We are abundantly blessed.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Scott & Yvi
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Loving PraiseBaby
Britton LOVES his PraiseBaby DVD and was really into it this morning when I got this little clip. He was talking & squealing right before the camera started "rolling", he looked at me and gave me the sweetest smile, then was right back to the video. Guess that scenario starts pretty early... Britton is becoming a happier and happier baby who loves to smile, laugh and squeal all the time. It warms our hearts!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Britton walks. Well, kinda ...
Britton still has a little bit of his step reflex left. Here he is walking with daddy's help. Look at those widdle feet ...

Monday, May 12, 2008
Britton's 4-month checkup
Here are today's stats:
Length 23 1/4 25th%
Weight 12 lbs., 9 oz 10th%
Head Circumference 15 1/4 5th%
Britton continues to stay in the same percentiles. The head circumference is the lowest on the scale, but Britton's neurologist told us not to look at the charts since he was a preemie. At our appointment with him two weeks ago, he said Britton's head growth was right on target.
We also had to redo Britton's newborn screening test today. Since he was transfused at birth, it was someone else's blood for the most part that they did the previous tests with. He did not like the heel prick one bit. He was on his stomach kicking and fighting to break free of the nurse who was squeezing blood out of his little heel, all the while looking at me to rescue him. Needless to say, since the heel prick was the precursor for four shots in his little baby legs, it was a rough day for mama and the baby. Glad there is a 2-month reprieve until we go in for more!
Britton in his daddy's hat.
He discovered his feet recently, and all he wants to do is look at them!
Fun Times in Oxford Town
We had a great time in Oxford, Miss. this weekend. It was our first family trip and the occasion was my sister's college graduation from Ole Miss. We visited William Faulkner's house (above picture), strolled the Square, and ate at all of my old college favorites. Britton was a total trooper the whole weekend. He did great in the car, the restaurants and he didn't miss a wink of sleep. He is such a good baby! Here are some pics:
The Graduate
Mom & Britton at Proud Larry's
Britton with his great aunt Ali
Mom, me & Elizabeth
Danny & me
Here we are again ... we tried to go to Old Taylor Grocery, but it was a 3 hour wait! The hazard of going on graduation weekend.
Thursday, May 8, 2008
4 Months

Britton is 4 months old today! Hard to believe that 1/3 of a year has gone by already. Here is Britton next to his lion at 1, 2, 3 & 4 months, respectively. He is getting so much bigger and is very sturdy these days. All he wants to do is stand in our laps. He is definitely not that floppy baby anymore. And, as you can see from the outtakes below, he is a happy baby with lots of personality. Thanks for celebrating our little boy's life with us!
Hmmm ... tribute to Uncle Ryan here?!
Love those eyes...
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