For those of you not familiar with our trips to Romania ... our church has partnered with a Christian school in Iasi (pronounced Yosh), Romania. Every other year, we take a team of Americans over there and treat their 9th and 10th graders to a summer sports & Bible camp in the beautiful mountains of northern Romania. Though most of these students speak excellent English, it is often the first time they have left their hometown of Iasi. This year, we had about 80 people total at camp. See pictures below ... more coming soon.
Side note: Emily was not able to go on the trip at the last minute -- doctor's orders. And another friend of ours, Kim, had to bail out of the trip because she was pregnant, too. And, it turns out, that our good friends Katie & Lee, who DID go on the trip, were ALSO pregnant. They just didn't tell anyone. They are due the same month as us!
Team Blue at Camp.
Leanne, Heather, Holly, Katie, Margaret, Cindy & Lauren
Rowboat excursion -- Danny, Katie & Lee