Happy Thanksgiving! We hope you all have a wonderful holiday tomorrow with your loved ones.
In the latest baby news ... we were able to get a sneak peak at our little guy/gal at the doctor's office the other day, and this time we saw him or her in 4D! Even though the baby's face was too close to the placenta to get "incredible" shots, it was really amazing. We were finally able to see the baby's facial features without it looking skeletal. We also got to see the baby yawning, trying to suck his or her thumb, practice breathing, swallowing the amniotic fluid (to mature the lungs), and smacking his/her little lips. The 4D ultrasound was a really cool experience. Here are a few shots:
Disclaimer: When you look at the 4D shots of the face, you will see all kinds of other things in the picture, but don't be alarmed, they're not part of the baby's face (they are placenta, arms & knees, etc.).
The baby's profile in 2D. The curve at the upper left is a knee.

The baby's face in 4D. If you can't make out what you're seeing. Look at the center round blob -- that is the nose. The eyes are closed.

The baby's face in 4D looking slightly to your right. The eyes are closed & you can see the contour of the nose. The darker gray area below the nose is the mouth.

The baby's face in 4D. Again the eyes are closed, and you can make out the nose, lips and cheeks.