Friday, January 8, 2010

Happy 2nd Birthday Britton!

Two years ago this morning, our little boy Britton was born. We are reminded every day what a miracle he is. But especially on his birthday, we remember all that we have been through and we give thanks and praise for our little boy. You are such a blessing, Britton. I love hearing you say "two" and then hold up one finger!





Happy Birthday Baby Boy!


Ryan said...

Happy Birthday Britton!

Mary-Dare said...

A Happy Happy Birthday to such a sweet boy. Been thinking of all of you. Hope you are finding some form of rest and settlement. Love you and give Britton a big kiss for me. I am sure he is short of one ; )

Julie said...

Happy Birthday Britton!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Little Man. I love you so much.

The Giffen Family said...

Happy Birthday, Britton! We love you! (Will has been saying "Happy Birthday to-oo you, Happy Birthday Brit-nen!" all morning)