Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Another Family's Journey

Here is a quick documentary of one family's journey to China as told by their teenage son. If you have a few minutes, take the time to watch. It is a great overview of what our adoption trip will be like. Also, Lia Kate's orphanage is shown at the beginning of this video. If you only have a few minutes, be sure to watch through "Gotcha Day" about half-way through. We will meet Lia Kate in the same place as they met their daughter. This video gets me excited about our own China journey!


Anonymous said...

Wow! What an amazing video of a wonderful journey to pick up a beautiful little girl. I wish you, Danny and Britton all the best in your upcoming journey.


meredith ziafat said...

i cried like a baby when i saw the "gotcha day!" rejoicing with y'all during this incredible journey... what a privilege to experience this with you!!!