I found Britton's party invitation on Etsy (a few details are blurred out). I loved this one because it looked like the monkey was doing gymnastics.
And here are the "3" cookies I made for party favors for his friends.
Since it was a monkey party, we made these monkey cupcakes.
The party was at a local gymnastics place and this place throws such. a. fun. party!
The kids started by laying down on this super long blow-up trampoline as they blew it up. Then they bounced their way down ...
... and hurled themselves over barricades.
Here is Britton running to do it all over again. Love the joy on his face.
After that, they moved onto the obstacle course...
Here is Britton waiting on his turn.
Then, they got to bounce down the super long trampoline and jump into the foam pit at the end.
The last hurrah was riding the zipline over the foam pit...
And then we celebrated with chicken nuggets, banana chips, gold fish and cupcakes!
Singing "Happy Birthday" and blowing out his candle.
Happy Birthday, sweet Britton! You are so loved ... so prayed for ... and not a day goes by that we don't realize what a miracle you are! We are so thankful to have you as our son. Here's to many, many more wonderful birthdays!