Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Doggie Wars

Marley, our 12-year-old Greyhound, and Piper, our nearly 1-year-old Maltese, tolerate each other well, but aren't exactly the best of friends. Marley gets a bit jealous when Piper gets attention. And, of course, its easy to shower the little lap dog with too much attention. Every now and then, when Piper is getting loving, Marley will fold her big body up and stuff it into Piper's little bed. I'm sure this is good preparation for sibling rivalry. Here's a pic ...

Marley in Piper's bed. Don't be fooled -- this bed is TINY!

Little Piper

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Let the Decorating Begin...

This weekend's project: choosing a paint color for the nursery ... not an easy task.
Next weekend's project: we *hope* to actually tackle the painting.

Five different shades of green

Here are the fabrics we're using for the baby's bedding, etc.

Baby Belly -- 20 weeks

Here we are at 20 weeks!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

We went to the doctor, and IT'S A...

baby! Sorry to tease, but couldn't resist. We just couldn't spoil the surprise, so we are waiting until this little one is born to find out the sex. We are so excited about being surprised. For now, we are happy to make guesses. Emily officially thinks it's a boy, and Danny officially thinks it's a girl!

Our 19-week ultrasound went very well! All of the baby's organs and measurements look perfect. He/she is measuring several days ahead of our due date, so maybe we will end up beating our due date. We found out that the baby has his/her head resting comfortably on my bladder. That explained some things! A few pictures of the baby are posted below.

Baby's cute little profile. His/her little legs are folded up over the body.

Baby's face, upper body & arm (looks like an alien!)

A sweet baby foot

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sweet Potato Queen? King?

It's hard to believe, but we're almost half way through this pregnancy! Time is flying by. I read sometime last week that the baby is now the size of a large sweet potato. We can't believe that the little speck we saw on our first ultrasound in early June has grown to that size. Other than my slowly expanding belly, there is little evidence of this new life. We go in tomorrow for our big ultrasound, and we can't wait to see this little person again!

Stay tuned for new pictures. We hope to post a video of the ultrasound!

Little Piper

Here is our little puppy -- the wee Piper! He'll be a year old next month.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Fun Reunion

Over Labor Day weekend, Emily had the great joy of being reunited with a dear, old friend! Emily met Melanie in high school when Melanie came to the U.S. as a German exchange student. She and another dear high school friend, Jennifer, welcomed Melanie and her new husband, Markus, back to the U.S. We had a blast meeting the others' husbands, updating each other on our lives, reminiscing about the past, and introducing Markus to southern food. Here are a few pictures...

Jennifer, Melanie & Emily

Us & our husbands

The O'Sullivan boys (Sweet little Patrick is the newest edition)

More Romania Pictures

Danny preaching at the Nehemiah Church in Iasi, Romania

Chuck & Danny at camp

Murray relaxing Romanian-style

Danny in the Romanian airport ... thinking of all the ways his life is soon going to change!

The team